Calling Tomorrow is the name for my creative design output. I have been a professional visual artist and graphic designer for over 20 years. I’m comfortable with pencil, paint, paper, glue, tablets and computers. Motivated by problem solving; I research, learn, apply, test and repeat. I am willing to take calculated risks. I enjoyed colouring books as a kid, but found making my own pictures to fill in more fun. My interest in design comes from an attraction to practical, utilitarian functionality. It also comes from record covers and posters. I like a nice pair of shoes, comfortable and strong, while suitable to occasion. I choose lace up boots that appear practical in the event of a natural disaster, or lightweight sneakers. My career history lead me from restaurants to tuxedo factories before learning Multi-Media Design, which lead to software startups in the back room of a dental practice. Things got weirder. I’m generally loyal, but not without the willingness to change my station to work alongside good people.
I believe that chairs should not make one self conscious, nor should tables collapse if danced upon. Good design should make you feel good about yourself and want to help those around you to feel good about themselves. I chose 2D digital.